Do you have many queries circling round your head right now regarding your credit card? Want some assistance to resolve your credit card payments? Want to enquire about the tariff and service charges that applies to your credit card? Then it is better that you call in the customer support staff of your credit card issuing bank to get your queries and complains addressed as soon as possible.
Nowadays most of the leading credit card issuing establishments outsource call center projects to a call center company so that they can handle the excess call volume and service requests. Call center outsourcing is becoming a common business practice for many credit card issuing banks as it saves them from taking excess pressure and also aids in cost cutting.
Outsourced call centers undertake various tasks on behalf of the credit card issuing banks. Some of them are like:
- Telemarketing and sale of credit cards: Here the outsourced call center agents call up customers to inform them about the availability of credit cards, various discounts on service charges of credit cards, availability of exciting offers for new customers etc.
- Query resolution: Outsourced call centers dealing on credit card services also dedicate them in resolving the various queries of customers regarding their credit cards. This service is available for both new and existing customers.
- Grievance redressal: Many times customers have various grievances and complaints regarding their cards. These may be addition of excess charges on their credit card bills, rejection of additional credit card applications, communication of wrong information to customers and many others. Agents of an outsource call center register such complaints of customers regarding their credit cards and seek to address them promptly.
Many times banks and credit card issuing corporations choose an offshore call center to handle the call volume and service request tasks. An offshore call center is a company that has been set up in another country. This is mainly done by the banks to save time, resources and money and also to increase their credit card customer service networks in offshore countries.